Silicon Carbide (Carborundum)

Silicon carbide (SiC), also known as Carborundum is a compound of silicon and carbon with chemical formula SiC.

Silicon Carbide (Carborundum)


Silicon carbide (SiC), also known as Carborundum is a compound of silicon and carbon with chemical formula SiC. It is a very hard abrasive, characterized by mechanical durability and high thermal and electrical conductivity as well as considerable resistance to temperature change (thermodynamically stable) and oxidization.

Available grit sizes
FEPA 016 1,000 - 1,400 mm
FEPA 036 0,425 - 0,600 mm
FEPA 040 0,355 - 0,500 mm
FEPA 060 0,212 - 0,300 mm


  • surface preparation of hard but brittle materials like glass, cemented carbide
  • stone etching (e.g. tombstone art),
  • abrasive tools production
  • coated abrasives production (e.g. sanding paper, abrasive cloth)
  • fire-resistant materials production

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